Friday, April 1, 2022

DayTrip Adventurer's April Ohio Travel Bucket List

Life just has a way of getting in the way of travel and adventure sometimes!  Last year, we had a huge list of travel plans for the year--but, some illnesses, a certain not-to-be-named virus, a child going off to college, a child learning to drive and a couple of injuries derailed our plans!  This year, we are going to try again with some new plans and goals and (hopefully) a lot of new posts and adventures to share.  This morning, we are starting things off with a quick travel bucket list for April.  I am hoping to accomplish some pieces of a few of my ultimate travel bucket list items (knock off a couple of states, a Great Lake and a few state parks, and a handful of new counties maybe?)  If you are joining us from the A to Z Challenge--A is for April travel this morning and April 1st is the perfect day for me to map out the month!


Historic Clifton Mill in Ohio

Visit 10 of Ohio's 88 Counties.  I have probably visited most of Ohio's 88 counties in my lifetime.  My bucket list plan for April involves photos of each county courthouse and hitting some travel highlights of each county. 

Photograph Some Covered Bridges in Ohio.  Ohio still has a number of historical, covered bridges in existence.  Fairfield County, in Central Ohio, has 16 covered bridges to explore.  My goal is to visit half of those bridges in Fairfield County this month. 

Check out Some Spring Flowers.  I think a trip to Columbus' Franklin Park or the Topiary Garden may be in order soon!  I have also heard that Daffodil Hill at the Lakeview Cemetary in Cleveland is one of the go-to places for viewing a field of spring flowers.  Additionally, the gardens of the cemetery are supposed to be worth the trip--and it would be the perfect time to get a glimpse of the Haserot Angel.   

Spring and Summer Flowers

Visiting Light Houses on Lake Erie.   Growing up, my family spent a week of every summer at Lake Erie.  Unfortunately--it was in the same city every single year.  I have many memories of Marblehead and the surrounding area--but, I would love to venture around the lake a bit and see the other lighthouses. If you enjoy lighthouses (which I do)--there is a fun Passport Program from the U.S. Lighthouse Society that lets you collect "passport" stamps as you visit the many lighthouses around the U.S.

Visit Four Ohio State Parks.  Just like the U.S. Lighthouse Society, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has an Ohio State Parks Passport program that allows passport holders to collect stamps at each of the state parks and document visits with notes and photos.

Pinnable Image for April Ohio Travel Bucket List Ideas

Visit Four National Parks/Historic Sites/Historic Monuments.  The National Park Service has a map feature that lets users click a U.S. state of interest and see the national parks, historic monuments, historic sites, national scenic trails and national historic parks and trails located in the state.  There is also a Junior Ranger Program with some fun activities for kids.

One Out of State Trip. I am not sure where we will venture off to-but, April generally means a Spring Break road trip somewhere! With our family on different spring break schedules this year, it may have to be a small road trip to a neighboring state.

Try Out Four New Restaurants.   This is always a fun and easy item--and is always on our bucket list!  The new places must be non-chain (or a small, local chain) and offer at least one "specialty" menu item sort of unique to them.  We may hit a winery or a brewery this month too!  

Appetizer Sampler with Nachos Fried Green Tomatoes and Onion Rings

Attend a Maple Syrup Festival.  Spring in Ohio mean maple syrup festivals in the state.  I have never gone to a sugar maple festival,  In fact, I have never seen sap collected.  Attending a maple syrup festival may be a fun learning experience and a chance to try some random maple flavored food treats.  Looks like I have a shot at attending the Bellborook Sugar Maple Festival or The Geauga County Maple Festival this month.

Attend One Sporting Event, Concert or Show. Ideally, we will get to attend an event in a new venue or city--but, it may end up being a local, familiar spot.  Maybe a Columbus Blue Jackets Hockey game? or Immersive Van Gogh? A concert at the Schottenstein Center?

Travel for One New Experience.   Whether we are learning something new or trying a new activity, I hope that we try one new experience this month.  Maybe ax throwing?  A cooking class?  A community tour?

Take Six Hikes.  I joined the 52 Hike Challenge in January.  We completed two hikes--and then we were sick as a family in rotation for the next 8 or nine weeks with the pandemic virus.  Instead of a weekly hike, we will need to double up for a few weekends to catch up!  April is Ohio is generally a lovely time to begin hiking as the weather is (usually) becoming spring like in the afternoons and trails are (usually) thawed but not too waterlogged from spring rains!  

List of some Ohio Spring Travel Ideas

That is the run down of travel activities that I am going to try to accomplish in the upcoming weeks as we ease ourselves back into travel in our home state!

We look forward to sharing adventures here, on Instagram, on Facebook--and maybe even TikTok and YouTube!

If you are visiting from the Blogging from A to Z Challenge--check back tomorrow for our Letter B travel post!

1 comment:

  1. An ambitious program but sounds a lot of fun

    Visiting from A to Z and in Australia
